English Class Slam Poem

English Class Slam Poem

In this English class, where words ignite,
Where stories unfold, and ideas take flight,
I find myself, among friends, in a lively throng,
Engaging in conversations, both fierce and strong.

Parker, Ethan and Nima, my brothers in arms,
We chat and we banter, we weave verbal charms,
In the back of the class, our voices resound,
Fueling arguments, turning heads all around.

We embarked on a journey, a cinematic delight,
Studying "Groundhog Day" through day and night,
Analyzing the layers, the time loop's hold,
Unraveling truths, as the story unfolds.

Pages turned, as we dove deep into the abyss,
Reading, devouring, what a literary bliss,
"The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" in my hands,

Imaginations soaring through cosmic lands.

"The Knife of Never Letting Go" came alive,
A month-long voyage, where emotions strive,
Immersed in the chaos, the noise, the despair,
Unearthing lessons, in that dystopian affair.

But amidst the literature, and knowledge gained,
In this English class, one truth remained,
Nima, my friend, with opinions so bold,
From basketball to life, his views unfold.

His taste in teams, a source of contention,
A whirlwind of beliefs, often defying convention,
They clash and they argue, like rivals on a court,
But friendship prevails, a bond we support.

For in this English class, we learn not just the prose,
But the power of dialogue, how conversation flows,
We challenge each other, with every single word,
Expanding our horizons, our voices clearly heard.

Through blog assignments, our voices find flight,
Submitting articles, sharing insight,
In this English class, our thoughts intertwine,
Thanks to Mr. Hallam, our learning aligns.

So, here's to our English class, where minds collide,
Where thoughts intertwine, and egos subside,
With our friends by us, these moments we'll treasure,
A slam poetry ode, to an experience beyond measure.


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